Thursday, October 10, 2013

How To Make Cocktail Garnishes for Halloween

Halloween is a time to show your creativity and let your imagination go wild! After you have secured/made the perfect costume (for you and all your pets), acquired the necessary face paint and accessories, decorated your place so that you can hardly move, the next thing to consider is making your Halloween party a memorable one for you and your guests! 

Below we have listed our top 5 creepy and fun Halloween cocktail garnishes that will put your party over the top and keep your guests Insta-graming all night long! 

The Angry "Pumpkin" Cocktail Garnish- using a clementine or any smaller citrus fruit and a small sharp knife, carve the face of any angry pumpkin into the rind. Once completed, insert a wooden skewer into the center and place into cocktail of your choice. (More tricks and tips from Better Home and Gardens

The Peppery Devil- simply garnish the rim of the glass with red chili peppers on either side of the glass. This works well in spicy or sweet drinks and adds a little heat. 

Eyeballs in My Shots Please. - best garnish for lime jello shots. Stuff a marachino cherry into a lychee fruit and then cut a slice from the outside of the grape to place over the red part of the "eyeball". To put the eyeball in the kellow, pour half the jello into the shot glass, then place the eyeball in and let the jello set. Pour the rest of the jello over the eyeball and cover and let set again. (For Additional Ideas for Halloween Eyeball Jello Shots and Brownie Pops go to Good Cocktails)

Licorice Spider - get a long piece of black licorice and scissors. Wrap the licorice around your fingers and bundle to create the 8 dangling legs on each side. Tie onto straw and let hang halfway down the cocktail of your choice. (More details at Martha Stewart Living)

Bloody Martini Glasses- create "blood" rimmed martini glasses using red decorating icing writing gel. We recommend this icing writer from Wilton at Sur La Table.   

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